Mabon – Non-Ritual Celebrations

  • Take a walk in a wild place with your family or circle members.
  • Bake cored apples filled with butter and cinnamon as a special treat.
  • Create decorations for your front door out of colored leaves, pine cones, nuts, acorns and Indian Corn bundles. Or dip colorful leaves in melted paraffin wax for altar decorations that may be enjoyed even after the celebration or attach to a wreath for your head
  • Honor the birds and small animals in the wilderness or by your home by making a bird feeder filled with seeds and grain.
  • Look at your family habits and figure out what you can do to improve your conservation habits. Can you use less water or recycle more of your garbage?
  • Go through your garden, tending it, thanking the plants and flowers for their abundance, harvesting whatever is ready-try collecting seeds of non-hybridized plants for next year
  • Make a mandala of seeds and grains on the ground, an offering of the Mother’s gifts to the animals and birds; infuse it with specific magick that will be released as the seeds are consumed or scattered.
  • Share your abundance…collect a basket of goodies from your garden or pick up a few extras when shopping at a local farmer’s market to share with a neighbor who has no garden, or who has had a rough year; gather donations of food and/or clothing for a favorite charity.
  • Arrange baskets of fresh fruit and baked goods for friends or family
  • Fill a basket with pine cones, fruits, colorful dried leaves, wheat, acorns, and fallen pine branches and leave it by your altar or door
  • Cook up a Mabon soup with carrots, onions, potatoes, radishes, and/or corn


Mabon Prayer


Adapted by Akasha Ap Emrys

Autumn colors of red and gold
As I close my eyes tonight
Such a wonder to behold
I feel the God/dess hold me tight
Watch leaves turning one by one
Though it grows dark, I shall not fear
Captured bits of Autumn Sun
For Divine Love protects all here
Soon they’ll fall and blow away
Through the night, until the morn
The golden treasures of today
When the shining Sun’s reborn
When the trees are bare
Time to sleep, time to dream
And the ground grows cold
Till warm gold rays upon me stream
These warm memories
I’ll still hold.

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Roots of Ritual

This is a fabulous resource for those getting to grips with Rituals and Spellwork.

Be the Best Version of Yourself

Only by being the best version of yourself can you give the world what it desperately needs. #Wicca can teach confidence,love and curiosity.

Check out @Cameron_Brant’s Tweet:

Magickal Trees – Holly

HollyRepresenting heroism, foresight and defence Holly is sacred to Lugh and so it is associated with Lughnassad. Holly and Ivy cover “Jack-in-the-Green“, a leaf clad mummer and chimney sweep who dances on May Day in Englan

A Bogie at Jack in the Green, Hastings

A Bogie at Jack in the Green, Hastings (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Lammas – Non-Ritual Celebrations

  • Well Dressing – If there is a well or spring near you you may wish to decorate it with flowers to give thanks for the water’s purity.
  • Float flowers on a local river or pond.
  • Bake some bread
  • Harvest your first vegetables from your garden and offer them to the Goddess and God.
  • Take a walk in some local woods and pick goodies for your altar.

An Introduction to Lammas


An Introduction to Lammas

Lammas or Loaf Mass is the celebration of the first harvests at which time we give thanks for the abundance of the land and make payment for its bounty. Traditionally the grain harvest was brought in around this time and so bread and other food made from grain are baked and offered as payment to the land. The Sun is also celebrated as without his tireless work the plants would not have grown.

Litha – Non Ritual Celebrations

  • Go berry picking. Have the children chose their best berry and throw it back into the berry bushes as they thank the Goddess and the bushes for the fruit.
  • Leave out milk and honey as an offering to the Fae folk.
  • Hang a bundle of fresh herbs out to dry and use them to spice up a Litha feast of cooked summer vegetables.
  • Light a white candle and place it in front of a mirror. Say your own Litha prayer over it, and then let it burn out
  • Have a mock battle between the Oak and Holly King. Remember that this is part of the cycle and as the wheel turns the Oak King will rise again at Winter Solstice.
  • Offer a gift of lavender to the Gods in a bonfire. Pass St. John’s Wort through the smoke and then hang the herb up in the house for protection.
  • Make your own henge, orientated towards the raising and setting sun.
  • Have an outdoor breakfast picnic to welcome the Solstice.
  • Stay up and watch the sun go down on the longest day of the year!
  • Dispose of those qualities that trouble you: project them into a burnable (bunch of dry twigs, paper, etc.) and thrust the mass into a cleansing fire.